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READS Rank Update

The new census data has been released. As such, Bruce is working on importing it into the database. Once it's successfully loaded in and everything checks out, I'll be recalculating the READS rank numbers.

UPDATE (6/3/11): Bruce completed work on the project yesterday, and after testing it locally and making a few tweaks, ran the ranking tool this morning. The new ranks are now reflected both in the listings and on this page.


1. On Saturday, June 4 2011, 13:51 by re_nelson

At a glance, I see some big changes. Pittsburgh (once a top 10 market) has plummeted to 33, behind San Antonio and ahead of Nashville. Back in the 50's, that would have never been imagined.

Now for a request: Could you add a page that shows the BEFORE and AFTER rankings by size? That would allow for a comparison at a glance of what markets got shuffled.

2. On Saturday, June 4 2011, 16:13 by dhett

Fantastic job Bruce and Trip!

3. On Saturday, June 4 2011, 16:38 by Trip Ericson

Bob: I'm not sure that I still have the before numbers handy. I know I overwrote them in the database, so I'd have to reenter the data from the Google Cache version. I'll see what I can do. I still haven't implemented your last feature request yet, either, since I've been a bit busy with DXing and satellite stuff. We should chat by e-mail.

Dhett: Don't thank me, Bruce did most of the work. I coded the modified READS Rank page and modified the network grid, but otherwise, the backend work was all Bruce. =)