This page lists all the users on the system.

To add (or modify) users' permissions, your password will be required in the Your password field.

Users list filter

Search is based on the user ID. The * wildcard can be used to look only for a part of the user ID.
Order by
The users list can be ordered by their ID, their Last Name, their First Name, their Display Name (nickname) or the Number of Entries they created.
Indicates the sorting method that will be applied to the result list (Ascending or Descending).
Users per page
Sets the number of users displayed in each page of the result list.

Users batch actions

It is possible to make a batch of actions on several users at one time.

If you decide to set users' permissions, you will be redirected to a new page listing the blogs available on your system. Check the blogs you want to set the permissions on, and press Set permissions.

Users permissions

For each blog, you can set the following permissions:

The Super administrator status is set in the user profile.