Installed plugins

Each line starts with the plugin logo you will find in the menu (on the left of your screen).

A Dotclear logo next to the action buttons indicates that the plugin comes directly with Dotclear and is one of its components.

Activated plugins

This list displays information about activated plugins: Name, version, short description. Two actions are possible: Deactivate (temporary operation) or Delete (permanent operation).

Deactivated plugins

This list shows the plugins that have been deactivated by the user. For each one, two actions are possible: Activate or Delete (permanent operation).

Add plugins

This page allows you to browse the DotAddict repository and to install a plugin directly from it.

Two search methods are available:

In the index, unfolding a plugin by clicking on the arrow next to its name will allow you to access its DotAddict page or to go to a support website if the plugin author picked one.

Install or upgrade manually

You can install your own plugins or plugins that are not available on DotAddict using this page.

There are two ways to install them: